Hello SCAMPers! I have updated a few boat listings on the International Owner's Directory/Map. Take a look at the map - http://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zo-uWhxCMpLA.kJXFhrBUo5qI&hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&ll=39.368279%2C4.921875&spn=145.944866%2C298.828125&z=1&source=embed
I've seen/heard of many boats that have been completed and a few that have new owners. If you find information for your boat to be needs updating, incorrect or missing please let me know.
- Dave and the SCA crew
Hello All, is it possible to obtain contact info on Scampers in my area? I'm in the Philippines and would love the camaraderie of other scamp lovers. Wanting to build, Need more info for this area of the world obtaining parts, plans, hardware etc etc.